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Monday, October 21, 2019

Soul Food flim analysis Essays

Soul Food flim analysis Essays Soul Food flim analysis Paper Soul Food flim analysis Paper Throughout this film learning life lessons and how significant it is to cherish family is important This is a comedy, romance film with a whole lot of drama. Big Mama Joe, acted by Irma P. Hall, is one of the main characters in this film, shes the rock that keeps theses family to getter; as she said in this quote, One finger pointing the blame, dont make no impact, but you b all up all me fingers into a mighty fist, and you can strike a mighty blow, and this family has got to be that fist. (Irma p. Hall). George Italian Jar the writer and director based this film on his own life experience of a closeness family (Italian). Soul Food argues that not all Africanizing alms have to be about negative situations, they can have a positive perspective e, and be about the importance of cherishing families. Soul Food is a film that wants to show the add mince the importance of cherishing family. 1 OF 7 is full Of captivating special moments involving delicious soul food. The wonder rueful part about this film is that it never falls into monotonous moments; all of the scenes are very Perez 2 intriguing. Even though in some parts it gives you forewarning that something regretful later in the film is going to happen, but that is what makes this film more interesting. This is a great storytelling film that talks about the importance of family. As critic Frederic m mentioned, An African American drama about the importance of ritual in holding families tog ether, (Frederic and Mary Ann Breast). Overall this review epitomizes the point of this film, b cause in the film they want to keep the longed tradition alive, and all Mad wants is for the family to stick together. What George Italian Jar is trying to argue in this film, is that not all Ai recriminate films have to be about negativity: they can have a bigger meaning. He wants t do something positive to reach out to the audience about an African American family going t wrought rough times, but still tries to remain strong. All the scenes in this film are well put to getter, so there is not going to be a time where the film has got away from the point It is trying t o make. All the actors are very well played, and it is very clear that the actors know who the p errors is their playing. The organization of this film was well put together, it does not start in the pas t, but Mad tells stories of how they spent their Sunday dinners, and how everyone came down from all over for the holidays. This film has a very good beginning, a heartbreaking yet intriguing middle, and a powerful and beautiful ending. As the film begins, Mad intro educes the actors to the audience; as the setting took place at Birds, and Elms wedding which is A whams aunt and his new uncle. I think the setting is very significant to the beginning of this film , because all Of the main characters are together celebrating; and It made the setting perfect I miming to introduce the main characters. Big Mama Joe plays a very huge part in this movie, and try SE to keep the peace in the Joseph family as Mad said, She always knows how to set thing s right. Perez 3 (Mad). A longed tradition started down in Mississippi, and Big Mama Joe kept the tradition of eating soul food dinner every Sunday when she moved to Chicago with her husband. Soul food dinner was a chance for the whole family to enjoy themselves, and t heir meals while sharing their ecstasy and sorrows. Mad has learned from Big Mama Joe that t, Its on e of the things thats missing from Africanizing families nowadays. (Irma p. Hall). All of this is explicate through the point of view of Mad. Mad dispenses the film with a positive attitude, expresses the emotional part of this film, and shows wisdom. When Sunday dinners would come around, there was always a lot of hostility between the two sisters Term acted by Vicar A. Fox, and Maxine acted by Vanessa Lynn Williams. Term is the most cultivated, and oldest. She became a successful lawyer with the tend once of letting people know that she pays for everything its an attempt to make her sister Jew aloes. Term is married to Miles, he is acted by Michael Anthony Beach, Miles wants to pursue his dreams, and do music as a fulfillment job. Term wants what is best, and wants him to keep his b as an attorney, so they can make twice the money, but Miles is not very happy about it. The o only person that seems to care about Miles music was Faith acted by Gina Ravel, she comes e earlier in the film. She is Big Mama Joeys niece and like people said she is huge trouble. Maxine i s the second oldest, she gave up school at the age of nineteen, and is the strongest out of he three daughters. In reality Term is jealous of the basic life Maxine odors and Ammines beatific re kinship with Kenny acted by Jeffrey D. Sam, which was Titers exhibitioner back in the day. They would say Maxine stole Kenny from Term, and since then they have not got along. This is where the most tension is in the family. As drama and arguments enter Big Mama Joe would Sways know how to put a stop to it. The youngest daughter is Serene, who is nicknamed Bird, ND is acted by Nina Perez 4 Long she stays out of the drama that goes in between her sisters. She is very inexperienced, and is always trying to make smart choices but does not really know how, so she test herself into a ad situation. Bird is married to Elm acted by Meeker Third prefer which was a drug dealer before, and did some time in prison. Elm tries to be a responsible husband, ND take care of his responsibilities, but when Bird tries to help it does not end well. He feels that his manhood is taken away from him. As the film enters into a heartbreaking stage the family has to stay strong for Big Mama Joe. The family starts breaking apart over a small argument that happened be teen Term, and Maxine, that they themselves can not fix. Mad the young narrator of this if m brings a lot to is presentation, honesty, love, and strength. His facial expressions explain TTY e way he feels throughout this film, and gives you an idea about what he is going say next. A wham plays two roles; you primarily see the film in Mad the narrators eyes; so it is like you re seeing the movie through the eyes of the narrator. It gives you a feel bayou being part o the film, and the ability to understand the way the narrator feels, and the things that he expert encase. An unanticipated meaningful moment suddenly happens, while Mad is taking a ride in Elms truck. While talking Mad finds a gun in the glove compartment Of Elms t KC; this is a presage of something to happen. Mad knows something is yet to come, he gives Elm a little advice, Big Mama always tells me you have to love yourself, (Mad) remarks. Maybe you should try that. (Mad). The really big picture behind is best explained by the food itself. As Big Mama Joe said in this film, Soul food cooking is BBC t cooking from the heart. (Big Mama Joe). It is about being thankful for what you have; and bout you appreciating your family, also about showing appreciation about what gets t aught to the table. Perez 5 Mad has been giving the job Of bringing the family together, as he takes TTL e footsteps of his grandmother. The family was at their breaking point, and Mad was the or hope that could bring the family together. Overall, George Italian Jar succeeds in fulfilling the meaning of this film. After watching this film it makes you realize the true image that Italian is trying to show an reach out to you with. Italian intentions were to say that an Africanizing film can be bas d on something positive, instead of something negative. This film is really worth seeing, it tall bout real life situations, and played by the actors that truly understand these people. As t p critic Kevin Thomas said, Italian drew inspiration from his own Milwaukee family, his E loved grandmother in particular. Humor, sentiment and melodrama strike a Balkan e as he brings to life nine major characters and a host of others as well. (Kevin Thomas). We folly w these characters through the rough times, and good times, through their laughs, fights, cries, ND struggles, but most importantly the love of life. Perez 6 Work Cited Soul Food . Dir. George Italian Jar. Per.

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